In Programma: Gio 22 Settembre 2022 alle Ore 16:00 - Fino alle Ore 19:30
Luogo Piazza San Leonardo
Postato da Pro Loco Panza
Tel. +39 081 908436 - Mob. +39 3345787963 - 3496125250 - 3385015970
Categorie: Andar per sentieri, Andar per cantine
Visite: 6282
From the Bocca di Serra area we will head to Frassitelli along an ancient mule track downhill between disused fields and wild plants. We will then reach the Frassitelli viewpoint where the view will open onto the breathtaking panorama offered by the territory of the municipality of Forio.
We will then take part of the CAI 502 path, arriving at the cellar of the Casa D’Ambra winery: here we will enjoy a tasting of their wines accompanied by local and seasonal products.
- Punto Partenza/Arrivo (Departure / arrival point): Sede Proloco Panza, Forio
- Difficoltà: Facile / Turistica (Difficulty: Easy)
- Durata: 5h – 3,5km (soste incluse) Duration: 5h – 3,5km (stops included)
- Visita/Degustazione: (Visit / Tasting): Cantina Casa d’Ambra
- Quota di partecipazione / Price: 40 €